Ali Mac Consulting | Dynamic Marketing Company Connecticut


Ali Mac Marketing

Frequently Asked Questions


Ali Mac Marketing

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Marketing?
Marketing as a whole is the way companies communicate with their consumers & potential consumers to establish their brand.

A company’s marketing strategies are essentially a narrative of who they are, why they are and the reason you should engage with them. For more information on specified marketing definitions and functions, have a look at our FAQs list below.

Do you offer ongoing marketing contracts or relationships?2023-09-12T14:56:24+00:00

Ali Mac and Iudiciani Consulting offer a variety of options. From personalized monthly packages to a pay-per-job basis.

What kind of marketing do you specialize in?2023-09-12T14:57:01+00:00

We specialize in a variety of marketing services. Our business builds strategies for each client based on their individual needs. Some examples of services provided (but are not limited to) are digital marketing, direct mail marketing, networking strategies, and branding marketing. Ali Mac and Iudiciani Consulting are confident that we can handle all of your marketing needs.

What Qualifications does your Company Have?2023-09-12T14:57:33+00:00

Ali retains a marketing communications certification through Bay Path and currently maintains multiple certifications in several areas of marketing. Ali is dedicated to continuing her knowledge of the field to bring clients a better experience every day.

Nick has his bachelor of science in business administration from Worcester State University.

How do you measure the results of your marketing efforts?2023-09-12T14:57:48+00:00

We measure our marketing efforts on a short-term and long-term basis depending on the plan chosen by our clients. This is compiled with data from their organic and paid growth through their digital marketing, the consumer data from their b2c & brand marketing plans as well as other variables that we keep detailed records of from start to finish of our services.

What is Professional Networking?2023-09-12T15:05:31+00:00

Professional Networking is when you build and maintain relationships with other professionals. These are important for continued growth.

What is Network Marketing?2023-09-12T15:05:59+00:00

Network marketing is a business model that depends on person-to-person sales. Network marketing assists you with building a network of business partners or salespeople to assist with lead generation and closing sales.

What is digital marketing?2023-09-12T15:07:32+00:00

Digital marketing, also called online marketing, is the promotion of brands to connect with potential customers using the internet and other forms of digital communication. This includes not only email, social media, and web-based advertising, but also text and multimedia messages as a marketing channel.

What are the most important parts of Digital Marketing?2023-09-12T15:07:48+00:00

The six commonly utilized and beneficial are content marketing, SEO, email marketing, and social media marketing.

What is SEO?2023-09-12T15:08:06+00:00

Search engine optimization is the process of improving the quality and quantity of website traffic to a website or a web page from search engines. SEO targets unpaid traffic rather than direct traffic or paid traffic.

What are Key Words?2023-09-12T15:08:23+00:00

Search engine optimization is the process of improving the quality and quantity of website traffic to a website or a web page from search engines. SEO targets unpaid traffic rather than direct traffic or paid traffic.

What is Inbound Marketing?2023-09-12T15:08:41+00:00

Inbound marketing is a business methodology that attracts customers by creating valuable content and experiences tailored to them.

What is a Brand?2023-09-12T15:09:57+00:00

A brand is the personality and representation of your business. This includes your name, logo, tagline, and anything that is distinct to you and your business model.

Is Branding Important?2023-09-12T15:10:11+00:00

YES! It is very important in the business realm. Branding is what makes a memorable and lasting impression on consumers. This helps your clientele know what to expect from you and also differentiates you from your competitors.

Is a Logo alone my brand?2023-09-12T15:10:25+00:00

A logo is only a portion or singular part of an overall brand and company’s identity.

Can I just have my branding done on a platform such as Fiverr?2023-09-12T15:10:54+00:00

We suggest that you research other options or utilize a marketing agency. Branding is much more than a 5$ logo. Your branding tells the story with the who what and diversity of your business. High-Quality branding includes market research, understanding the industry or field you are in as well as checking if your trade name is even available to utilize.

What makes a Successful Brand?2023-09-12T15:11:08+00:00

A successful brand is inclusive but not limited to Consistency, clarity, and character.

Here at AMI Consulting, we build a strong and strategic brand-related marketing campaign for each and every client to ensure they represent the top 3 C’s of success.

What is Direct Mail Marketing?2023-09-12T15:12:31+00:00

Direct mail marketing is any physical correspondence you send to customers in the hopes of getting them to patronize your business.

What are the 3 keys to a successful Direct Mail Marketing Campaign?2023-09-12T15:12:44+00:00

3 keys to a successful DMM Campaign are the Mailing list ( applicable data) the offer and the creativity behind the campaign.

What are successful practices of Direct Mail Marketing?2023-09-12T15:12:57+00:00

The best-used practices of direct mail marketing are to keep your campaign materials focused, written clearly and free of cluttered unorganized, or irrelevant content. Also utilize clear, legible fonts and make sure your CTA’S are the focal point of the mailer. This is paired with your market research data for the audience you are trying to reach.

What types of Direct Mail Marketing are Effective?2023-09-12T15:13:10+00:00

The most effective types of Direct Mail Marketing are Post Cards, Catalogs, letters, Dimensional Mailers & Self Mailers.

What is PR marketing?2023-09-12T15:13:33+00:00

Also known as Public Relations Marketing this subset of marketing focuses on building relationships with the public in order to create a positive public image for a company or organization.

What can PR do for a Small Business?2023-09-12T15:13:49+00:00

PR can help your small business create trust and credibility, build legitimacy, and grow faster

Why should I hire someone for my PR?2023-09-12T15:14:01+00:00

PR is more than simply being active online. Marketing Specialists who engage in PR activity will often find which doors are worth knocking on for your company’s benefit and which are not. It is imperative to remember that PR is an investment of not only money but for the overall reputation of your business. Hiring someone or an agency for your PR needs is a great addition to your existing marketing strategies, brand awareness and increase sales.

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